Helene von Oldenburg
flocculation - floccy technique
  Helene von Oldenburg analysiert gemeinsam mit den Seminarteilnehmerinnen die sogenannten 419 mails, die nach dem betreffenden Strafrechtsparagraphen des Nigerianischen Staats so heißen. In diesen mails werden die Empfänger aufgefordert, sich gemeinsam mit den AbsenderInnen am Staatsschatz eines meist afrikanischen Landes zu bereichern, indem sie dabei behilflich sind, ihn ins Ausland zu schaffen. Leider kostet das immer ein bisschen Geld, das die HelferInnen nie wieder sehen.
Die Trainees analysieren eine Reihe dieser emails und Faxe, und wenden das Gelernte in Musterbriefen an mögliche Geld- Stipendiengeber, Sponsoren und GaleristInnen an.

Helene von Oldenburg for example makes use of internet spam to inspire new media artists, with her trainees she analyzes "Advance Fee Fraud", "419 Fraud" mails, that offer you an important amount of money if you help launder stolen money, and just ask for a little advance to transfer the money to your home country, The participating artists learn how to adress future sponsors or patrons, what to offer and how to create trust in their projects.

An: helene517@yahoo.com
Datum: Freitag, 19. Dezember 2003 22:55 Uhr
Betreff: Distress Call

I am Mrs.Floxy Page. i am from Ivory Coast,
West Africa,our country used to be the most
peacefull and most stable economy in West
Africa untill september 19th when our country
was attacked by terrorosits,killing many prominent
personalities and holding our dear country to ransome,
among people killed was my late father and mother,
now, it remains my younger brother and i.

Before the death my late father deposited US$ 18 Million
ina prominent bank here in Abidjan, for onward transfer
abroad. The bank manager adviced me to clear these
funds because of the unsure state of the country,
want you to assist me in this by

For this, i am offering you 15 percent of the total sum.
i will be expecting to hear from you

Thanks and God bless you.

Mrs.Floxy Page

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